IMG_0406 final pngMircea Cărtărescu was born on June 1st, 1956 in Bucharest, Romania. At present he is a Professor of Literature at the University of Bucharest. Previously he was the editor of Caiete critice literary magazine and a Professor of Romanian language and literature in a Bucharest highschool (1980-1989). He is a poet, novelist, literary critic, and journalist, member of  the Romanian Writers’ Union, Romanian PEN Club and the European Cultural Parliament. He published over 30 books so far, a large number of articles, and his work is translated in over 20 languages.

He won all the most important Romanian literary prizes, many international prizes and was awarded a great number of writing fellowships and scholarships (Click HERE for a comprehensive timeline of writing fellowships, grants and awards received by Mircea Cărtărescu).

For an excerpt of Blinding: Book One, translated by Sean Cotter click HERE.

For a selection of poems by Mircea Cărtărescu click HERE.


Faruri, vitrine, fotografii (Headlights, Shop Windows, Photographs) – poems, Cartea românească, Bucharest, 1980.

Poeme de amor (Love Poems), Cartea românească, Bucharest, 1982.

Totul (Everything) – poems, Cartea românească, Bucharest, 1984.

Visul (Nostalgia) – a novel, Cartea românească, Bucharest, 1989.

Levantul (The Levant) – an epic poem, Cartea românească, Bucharest, 1990.

Visul chimeric (The Chymeric Dream) – a critical essay, Litera, Bucharest, 1991.

Travesti (Travesty) – a novel, Humanitas, Bucharest, 1994.

Dragostea (Love) – poems, Humanitas, Bucharest, 1994

Orbitor (Blinding), Vol. I – a novel, Humanitas, Bucharest, 1996.

Dublu CD (Double CD), a collection of love poems, Humanitas, Bucharest, 1998.

Postmodernismul românesc (The Romanian Postmodernism) – a critical essay, Humanitas, Bucharest, 1999.

Jurnal, a diary, Humanitas, Bucharest, 2001.

Orbitor, Vol. II – a novel, Humanitas, Bucharest, 2002.

Charles Simic, Cartea zeilor si a demonilor (The book of Gods and Demons), translation from English, Paralela 45, Pitesti, 2002.

Enciclopedia zmeilor (The Encyclopaedia of the Dragons) – a book for children, Humanitas, Bucharest, 2002.

Pururi tînăr, înfăşurat în pixeli (Forever young, wraped in pixels) – articles and essays, Humanitas, Bucharest, 2003.

Parfumul aspru al ficţiunii (The Rough Perfume of Fiction), an audiobook, Humanitas, Bucharest, 2003.

Plurivers (Pluriverse), a personal anthology of poems, Humanitas, Bucharest, 2003.

Cincizeci de sonete (Fifty Sonnets), poems, Brumar, Timisoara, 2003.

De ce iubim femeile (Why We Love Women), short stories and audiobook, Humanitas, Bucharest, 2004.

Levantul (The Levant), an audiobook, Casa Radio, Bucharest, 2004.

Jurnal, vol. II, Humanitas, 2005.

Baroane!,  Political writings, Humanitas, 2005.

Poeme în garanţie, an audiobook, Casa Radio, Bucharest, 2005.

Orbitor, Vol. III, a novel, Humanitas, Bucharest, 2007.

O seară la operă, anthology of poems, Știința, Chișinău, 2009.

Nimic, poems, Humanitas, Bucharest, 2010.

Frumoasele străine (The Beautiful Strangers), novellas, Humanitas, Bucharest, 2010.

Zen, Jurnal, Humanitas, Bucharest, 2011.

Eminescu – a critical study, Humanitas, Bucharest, 2011.

Mica trilogie (The Little Trilogy) – three bestselling works, Humanitas, Bucharest, 2011.

Travesti – a graphical novel – Humanitas, Bucharest, 2011.

Ochiul căprui al dragostei noastre (The Brown Eye Of Our Love) – essays and short stories – Humanitas, Bucharest, 2012.

Bob Dylan, Suflare în vânt, translation from English, Humanitas, Bucharest 2013.

Fata de la marginea vieții (The Girl at the End of the Life), selected stories, Humanitas, Bucharest, 2014.

Poezia (The Poetry), Complete poems, Humanitas, Bucharest, 2015.

Levantul (The Levant), audiobook, Humanitas Multimedia, Bucharest, 2015.

Solenoid, a novel, Humanitas, Bucharest, 2015.


Romanian Anthologies and Collective Volumes:

Aer cu diamante (Air & Diamonds) – a collective volume including three other poets, Litera, Bucharest, 1991.

Desant ’83 (Commando ’83) – a collective volume of short stories including fifteen other writers, Cartea românească, Bucharest, 1983.

Antologia poeziei generaţiei ’80 (The Anthology of Generation ’80 in Poetry), Vlasie, Piteşti, 1995.

Generaţia ’80 în proză scurtă (Generation ’80 in Short Stories), Paralela 45, Piteşti, 1999.

40238 Tescani, a collective volume, Image, Bucharest, 1999.


Translations from his work:

Mircea Cătărescu Translations