Romanian Literature Now give-away! Deadline 4th of May

Gheorghe Crăciun is one of the best kept secrets of Romanian Literature. Mecanica Fluidului was supposed to be called Fragments from the history of my own body. Although the manuscript was handed to Cartea Românească Publishing House in 1988, the book was not accepted for publishing. But the author did not abandon his book. It was eventually published for the first time by Cartier Publishing House in 1996 and is now included in the new series dedicated to Gheorghe Crăciun by Polirom Publishing House.

Romanian Literature Now is giving away a copy of this book. All you have to do is leave a comment on our website about why you think Gheorghe Crăciun is an important author for Romanian literature.

The best comment will win the book. The winner will be announced this Friday, on the 4th of May.

Good luck!

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